Saturday, October 3, 2009

How to install + Yum in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4

Setting up the yum package manager is not required by everyone who downloads and installs Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4. If you will be using your Linux system on the U of S wireless network or other services that use the yum package manager, you need to complete this step. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 will use the yum package manager as the standard package manager.

  1. Download the following rpms from
  1. Install the rpms as root from the command line.
  2. # rpm -Uvh python* sqlite* yum* rpmforge-release*

  3. Add the ATrpms repository to your /etc/yum.conf by adding the following lines
    name=Red Hat Enterprise Linux $releasever - $basearch - ATrpms
  4. Update the yum database.
yum update
Search the packages available from RHN.
yum search wine
Install packages
yum install wine

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